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Getting Started

The registration process begins with the creation of an account. Creating an account is free and you can immediately using our suite in a staging / test environment. After successfully creating an account, live (perform actual transactions). If you are done the integration with Flash Mobile and wanted to go to production you will need to submit a supporting legal document to upgrade your account.

Create Account

Follow these steps below to create an account;

Before integrating with Flash Mobile, you need to register for your business account.

Register here


You can choose verification method either its via SMS OTP or via email to complete the registration process.


Create Business

After completing the registration and verification process, you can login to your account in and login with account that previously created.


Once you've logged in, you can create business account


Please note that your business name cannot be changed once the registration form is submitted. You only can change your business name via inquiry

Activate Service as You Need


Here, you can choose between services you needed either its a Payment Acceptance, Disbursement, and Biller Aggregator.

Using Our Sandbox

Merchant can begin activate sandbox by clicking activation through the service that needed


After clicking activate you can begin using our sandbox. You can find your server key in settings menu


Product API Reference

We provide detailed instruction on how using our API in separated pages between services

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